Renata Janiszewska

Renata is a member of the Niftorian NFT Accelerator Cohort #1
About the artist

Renata has been painting all her life, and has been doing so exclusively on electronic canvas since 2010. In 2021 she joined the Techspressionists, a group of artists who use technology as a means to express emotional experience. Her work is perfectly suited to the NFT format.

Alongside her art she has led bicycle tours in Italy, been a private language teacher in Paris, waited tables in the Rockies, taught skiing and yoga in the Laurentians and translated scientific papers in Toulouse. She lives in Toronto.


Marlinspike is an epic series of video narratives with original music and startlingly curious imagery. They are about characters living in a castle at an indeterminate time. Minted as 1/1’s, there will be at least 50, and at most 100 of them dropped over the next year. Each one comes with a story that represents a chapter of the Marlinspike saga. These stories are revealed upon purchase of the NFT. Because these works are perpetually becoming, they create not merely fascinating illusions, but enchantment.